
Monday 30 December 2013


You said that you were leaving
I said
"Don't go, please stay!"
You said
"There are a few things
we should talk about today"

We've been together 10 years now
Not all of them were bad
Some gave happy memories
But some were also sad
But now you want a change
You said
"I need some time to think"
I said
"Is there another?"
You didn't even blink!

"She's someone I've been working with
and she's not like all the rest"
I said
"You've taken all I had
and now she takes the rest!"

"I won't give you a second chance
So don't give me a second glance
It's over now
There is no more
So pack your case
and there's the door!"


Everyone's Got One!

Everybody's got one
So why haven't I?
How many times 
have I heard my children cry?

You never get me
the same as all the others
Why can't you be kind
Just like other Mothers!

I wanted a real Cat
Just like hers
Mine needs batteries
But her one really purrs

He's got a Red Car
and my car is Black
Could you please consider
..taking it back?

Oh you are awful!
Oh you are cruel!
Everybody's got one 
in my School!


Now That You've Gone

Everywhere I go
and everything I see
Brings back all the memories
of you and me
I think of you an awful lot
and now your photos
are all I've got
You really meant the World to me
The only one my eyes could see
Your cheeky grin and big warm smile
will stay with me for quite a while
So now you're gone,I'm so alone
I'm sitting in what once was HOME
Now it's just a place to stay
I'll never feel another way
Without you here,I just survive
Oh God! I wish you were alive


The Mouse

When all the World is sleeping
When the Sun has gone to bed
A little Mouse comes creeping
from a hole beneath my bed

He's looking for the crumbs I've dropped
upon the Bedroom floor
and then he checks the other rooms
in case he finds somemore

Silently he returns again
Whereupon I wait
To see if he has found the cheese
I left for him as bait

© A.Elibol

Sunday 29 December 2013


Turn that Music down! I scream
This is a Nightmare, not a dream
My Son's discovered Music
and unfortunately- it's Rock
My head is reeling
This is such a shock

He's gelling his hair in front of the mirror
He's got to wear his T Shirt "just right"
His Trousers look all messy and torn
To me, his poor Mum
He looks such a sight

Playing 'Air Guitar'
He's looking quite mean
As he jumps and strums 
to the sounds of Queen

"You're so old fashioned"
is his usual reply
but my Son is only
a 10 year old Guy!!

© A.Elibol

New Beginnings

Another Year gone by
A new page is turned
Many mistakes were made
but new lessons learned

We can't turn back that page
But move forwards, we must
Set foot upon the right path
In our instincts, we must trust

We, ourselves know what we need
Deep down within our Hearts
But getting to the finish line
We're bound to make false starts

Take each day and set your goal
Then try hard to achieve
But don't feel down, if all is lost
In you, you must believe

© A.Elibol

Saturday 28 December 2013

Peace at Last

I'm walking through a Tunnel
towards a shining light
There's peace within my Heart now
I'm doing what feels right

I'm not in any pain now
I shed that when I died
I'm going to meet some long-lost friends
who're on the 'other side'

They're waiting there to greet me
I will not be alone
So dry your eyes, be comforted
that Heaven's my new home

© A.Elibol

Life Does Go On

I'm struggling to find the words
I'd like to say to you
It's going to be really hard at first
But finally you'll get through

No one can feel like you'll feel
No matter what they say
There is no easy solution
You'll cope in your own way

Try to remember the good times
Don't focus on the bad
Of course you'll feel like crying
Go ahead when you feel sad

Eventually but slowly
Your life will start to heal
Please talk to others
Let them know exactly how you feel

Only then, can you accept
That life, it does go on
and from those dark and gloomy days
Once more you'll see the Sun

© A.Elibol


My Mummy bought me Bubblegum
I blew a great big Bubble
Now Mummy's not too happy
and I am deep in trouble

I tried to show it to the Cat
and went a bit too close
Now Fluffy's wearing Bubblegum
around his eyes and nose

Before he looked a Pedigree Persian
But now he's more...a balder version?
I tried to say that fur grows back
For that my Mum gave me plenty of flack

© A.Elibol

The Lion's Dinner

John entered the cage
He stood brave and bold
But what was to happen
could not be foretold

At the crack of his whip
The Lions assembled
Upon their high stools
Grand Kings they resembled

At first things went well
and the Lions obeyed
But unknown to John
the Leader had strayed

John's biggest mistake
was in turning his back
Not watching the Leader
in charge of the pack

The Lion, he did not hesitate
and before John could turn
it was a minute too late

The Lion had pinned poor John to the floor
and at his head, he began to gnaw
Women did scream and Children did cry
at the remains of the body that lay there inside

The Lion had mistaken John 
for some Beef
and next to the remains lay
John's False Teeth!! 

© A.Elibol    


My Heart begins to beat fast
My Mouth gets very dry
We're moving up the Rollercoaster
Getting really high!

I'm holding on real tightly now
But then I want to shout
"I wish I wasn't on here

Now it's reached the very top
and I can see for miles
But as I glance around me
I don't see many smiles

We start to plummet downwards
We're going really fast
Oh how long is this torturous agony
going to last?

My Tummy, it is churning
and now I realise
I shouldn't have insisted 
on that Hamburger and Fries

Thank goodness!
Now we're stopping
"I need the Toilets quick!"
As now I think it's time to say
"I'm feeling rather sick"

© A.Elibol

Memories of War (World War One)

There's no way to explain
the bitter memories of War
The death, the pain, the suffering
and the awful sights you saw
The hatred for the Enemy
"Oh may he rot in Hell!"
The smell of fire from bombs that dropped
and Death- that putrid smell

Fighting for days in huge fields of mud
Seeing the wounded and smelling the Blood
Continuous shelling and blasts from the bombs
The whizzing of bullets
the toos and the froms
Exhausted you try to rest while you can
But soon you'll be chosen to replace a 'lost' man

Out into battle once more you must go
Not knowing if whether you'll fall to the Foe
Just "fight on for Victory"
Hold your head high
Today Lad is not a good day to die

© A.Elibol

The Dentist

"Open wide,whilst I look inside"
Are the words I always dread
I'm sitting in the Dentist's chair
and wishing I were dead

The smell of antiseptic
The shiny glint of steel
What is that awful churning 
in my stomach that I feel?

I haven't been for many years
and now it's time to face those fears
That this one visit
could end in tears

The clatter of the instruments
Which one will he use now?
Beads of perspiration start to 
form upon my brow

"Oh dear! We have a bad one here"
He turns to tell the Nurse
"If we leave it longer
it can only get much worse"

"Plus this tooth needs a filling"
Oh no! The dreaded Drill
Let's hope it's only one tooth
in my mouth he'll want to fill

My eyes grow even wider now
He's going to inject!
"Now this won't hurt a bit"
He smiles
"Just let it take effect"

He leaves me for a moment
My Mouth,it goes all numb
Should I grab the chance now
Head for the door and run?

I couldn't care less anymore
Why didn't I sort this out before?
Instead I've left my teeth too late
and this is now to be my fate!

 © A.Elibol


For saying that you really care
I know I can trust you
to always be there
You always stood by me
when life became tough
Facing together 
the smooth with the rough
It was our commitment
to solve things together
and we've had our share
of some real stormy weather
But many years on
you have proved without doubt
That my life here without you
would truly be nowt
© A.Elibol

Friday 27 December 2013


You're angry and frustrated
You'd like to scream and shout
You'd like to throw the Cat out
for eating all your Trout

You'd left it on the table
to go and use the phone
But when at last you did return
He'd left you just the bone!

"You naughty, cheeky Moggy
You've gone too far this time
I warned you many times before
You'd better toe the line"

He had a look of innocence
upon his little face
and then he started washing there was not a trace

"I'm going to the shop again
to buy another Trout
So when I come back to this house
It's better if you're OUT!!"



There's always someone who's thinking of you
Wherever you go and whatever you do
They're wishing you well and they're hoping some day
That your life will be happy and all goes your way

Don't forget those who've treated you well
But try to forget those who made your life Hell
It's best to move forward,but don't forget past
Hang onto good friendships,that look like they'll last

Trust in your instincts and you'll be alright
Keep any bad thoughts well out of sight
Be kind to those people who are weaker than you
For one day you could be in that same boat too


In the Countryside

Down in the Countryside
Next to a Stream
I shall lie down 
and dream a sweet dream
Whilst all the Butterflies flutter on by
I will just lie and gaze up at the sky

Trees gently swaying
Birds softly sing
The sound of the Churchbells
 distantly ring

Busy Bees buzzing
Fly to and fro
Collecting the Pollen
 from flowers that grow

Water is trickling
 over the stones
Whilst I just lay here
resting my bones


Merry Christmas to one and all

Well here I go with writing my first of many (I hope) Blogs.I hope to use my pages to bring my poetry to the masses.It's something I did an awful lot of a few years ago.At the time I found it to be very therapeutic and wrote poem after poem. Alot of it is based on observations or experiences in my own life. I hope to amuse,entertain and maybe just give someone comfort from some of my poems.(well whoever finds my page anyway!) Please feel free to give me feedback.