
Saturday 28 December 2013

The Dentist

"Open wide,whilst I look inside"
Are the words I always dread
I'm sitting in the Dentist's chair
and wishing I were dead

The smell of antiseptic
The shiny glint of steel
What is that awful churning 
in my stomach that I feel?

I haven't been for many years
and now it's time to face those fears
That this one visit
could end in tears

The clatter of the instruments
Which one will he use now?
Beads of perspiration start to 
form upon my brow

"Oh dear! We have a bad one here"
He turns to tell the Nurse
"If we leave it longer
it can only get much worse"

"Plus this tooth needs a filling"
Oh no! The dreaded Drill
Let's hope it's only one tooth
in my mouth he'll want to fill

My eyes grow even wider now
He's going to inject!
"Now this won't hurt a bit"
He smiles
"Just let it take effect"

He leaves me for a moment
My Mouth,it goes all numb
Should I grab the chance now
Head for the door and run?

I couldn't care less anymore
Why didn't I sort this out before?
Instead I've left my teeth too late
and this is now to be my fate!

 © A.Elibol

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