
Wednesday 22 January 2014

Boy in My Playground

There's a Boy in my Playground
who's always chucking stones
There's a Boy in my Playground
who says he'll break my bones!
There's a Boy in my playground
who everybody hates
Nobody wants to play with him
He hasn't any mates

He's always telling stories
Or making up big lies
He's always teasing little Girls
Ignoring when they cry
He's always chasing smaller Boys
But they just run and hide
or they go and find a Teacher
in whom they can confide

He often gets detention
he never takes the blame
His usual excuses are always just the same
"Miss I didn't do it"
"Miss it wasn't me"
"It was those kids over there
Can't you see?"

"He threw stones at me first
and so I threw one back"
"I haven't got a clue how that window got a crack!"
"It's not fair,
I always get the blame
Damn you Teachers,you're all just the same!"

The Fly

A Fly flew
                                    my window

Little Brother

Boys are horrible
Girls are the best
I've got a little Brother
Who really is a PEST!

His face is always DIRTY
His hands are NEVER clean
The sort of habits he has
Just make me want to SCREAM

He likes to hunt for Insects
Then squash them with his Shoe
I wish I had an answer
What is a Girl to do?

He takes my Toys and BREAKS them
He doesn't want his own
He says that he'll return them
and only wants to loan

He brings his friends back home to play
They end up in my room
The state they like to leave it in...
you'd need a giant Broom!

Why did God make little Boys?
He sent them as a test
Oh why is my kid brother
Just like all the rest?

The Victim

She's over in the corner
sitting on her own
Pretending not to care
when other children moan

It doesn't matter anyhow
she's used to it alot by now
They call her names and love to tease
"Urgh! Sally Taylor's got the Fleas"

"Run away, don't go too near
or she'll infect you too we fear
She smells so horrid, like Rotten Eggs
and look at her long skinny legs!"

Girls, they try to pick a fight
But Sally tries with all her might
to find an answer to her plight
She knows she'll not sleep well tonight

One day the teasing will surely end
and maybe then she'll find a friend?
Until that day she'll wait and hope
that she will find the strength to cope

© A.Elibol

(Dedicated to all victims of Bullying everywhere)

Monday 13 January 2014

After the Dark (a dedication to My Dad)

We sat, watching him breath
Slowly in and out
Regular at first
He looked comfortable
But his eyes were tightly shut

We sat talking, to bide away the time
Waiting for his eyes to open
To recognise us
To talk to us
Just to give some sort of response

Nurses came and went
Checking this and that
Only talking if asked a question
Disclosing little information
The clockhands slowly turned

Relatives came and went
but to other patients
Some glanced over at him
Sympathetic to our plight

Gradually his breathing changed
Not regular like before
Rasping, more shallow
Breath in, wait a few seconds
Then out again

Not wanting to worry the other
We changed the subject
Talked smalltalk
But that didn't work
We checked his breathing once again

It was hardly audible now
Could just about detect the in from the out
I called the Nurse, to ask her advice
She pulled the curtain around him
Shutting us out, leaving us guessing

Eventually she emerges
The news is not good
Could be a few hours or less
He is slipping away from us
We weren't prepared for this news

She cries softly, I cry too
We thought he was getting better
This can't be the end
All is lost and
my Dad is dying before my eyes

I sit there helpless

We start to talk to him again
Willing him to open his eyes
To hear our words of comfort and love
But nothing changes

That night, before our eyes
He passed away
Taking with him all our happy memories
of good times we'd spent together

and after the darkness
came the Dawn of a new day
a difficult day to face
without my dear old Dad

© A.Elibol

Thursday 9 January 2014

The NHS (National Health Service)

A war has broken out 
and it concerns the NHS
It's causing many arguments
and causing lots of stress

Cameron and Milliband
are at it Head to Head
But if they don't sort this dreadful mess
Soon more will end up dead!

There seems to be an outbreak
Especially of 'Spin'
Though whichever side has the most of it
will probably win!

Now if you'd like an operation
Why not visit a Euro Nation?
They'll whizz you there on the Eurorail
Unlike our trains, which resemble a Snail

In a private room, your own TV
There's plenty of Wine, not boring old Tea
Followed up by good cuisine
not a plate of Sausages and the humble Bean!

Come on MP's, get your act sorted out
The Brits are growing impatient
Can't you hear them shout?
Hurry up and sort this mess
You need to cure the NHS!

© A.Elibol

Exam Results

For weeks you've been worried
how well you have done
Pacing the floors and fretting to Mum
It hasn't been easy, but now that day's here
Will the news be as bad as you fear?

The Postman arrives, letter drops to the floor
You hesitate first, then rush to the door
Terrible feelings of doubt cross your mind
Not knowing the results in the letter you'll find
What if it's good news? What if it's bad?
The anticipation is driving you mad!

You tear at the envelope, you just need to know
Will it be off to Uni you'll go?
You sigh with relief, "I've done it !" you cry
Over in the corner, Mum gives a sigh
Your dreams have come true, your future more bright
So it's off out with friends to celebrate tonight!