
Wednesday 22 January 2014

Boy in My Playground

There's a Boy in my Playground
who's always chucking stones
There's a Boy in my Playground
who says he'll break my bones!
There's a Boy in my playground
who everybody hates
Nobody wants to play with him
He hasn't any mates

He's always telling stories
Or making up big lies
He's always teasing little Girls
Ignoring when they cry
He's always chasing smaller Boys
But they just run and hide
or they go and find a Teacher
in whom they can confide

He often gets detention
he never takes the blame
His usual excuses are always just the same
"Miss I didn't do it"
"Miss it wasn't me"
"It was those kids over there
Can't you see?"

"He threw stones at me first
and so I threw one back"
"I haven't got a clue how that window got a crack!"
"It's not fair,
I always get the blame
Damn you Teachers,you're all just the same!"

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